I don’t want this divorce.

Watch the video first.

If your spouse is throwing out the divorce word, you’re in the right place.

If he or she is low on hope for the marriage and really not interested in couples therapy

as a way to figure out what to do next, Discernment Counseling is likely the best path

for both of you. Many times a leaning-out spouse is pleased to find this type of service

and will be open to attending one session. (We only commit to one session at a time.

You both decide if you want to return.)

If your spouse is uninterested in Discernment Counseling, then you still have a lot of

work you can do on yourself to improve your marriage. I will be glad to walk with you

through these terribly stressful times in the hope that we can get your marriage to a

point where your spouse is open to couples work.